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Mentoring, in a business sense, is a relationship between two people with the goal of professional and personal development. There are many similarities between coaching and mentoring, but perhaps one of the main differences is that a mentor is often an expert, or at least highly experienced, in the area they are mentoring in, whereas a coach needn’t be.

Some mentors focus on helping their mentees develop their career path by giving advice on things like how to progress ‘up the ladder’. Others see their role as supporting the mentee as a person and focusing on how they can help them develop as individuals. There’s a great deal of variety in mentoring situations and the approaches mentors use. Some can be quite challenging and require the mentor to adapt to the situation and be flexible.

This course sets out to provide learners with a wide understanding of the role of mentoring as well as a key set of tools that they can transfer to the workplace.

Outline Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the mentoring relationship and how a mentor and mentee work together
  • Appreciate how mentoring and coaching differ
  • Review the mentoring process from setting an agreement to closing the relationship
  • Using mentoring tools in areas such as; Reflection, Goal Setting, Questioning and ensuring effective actions.
  • Review case studies to practice the skills learnt


It’s important that anyone asked to perform the role of mentor is made aware of what is expected of them during the mentoring process. Therefore, this e-learning course is suitable for a wide array of learners.